Tuesday, June 3 — 12:00 AM

I’m married, moved in, and back with regular updates! Now, I don’t have internet access until the middle of the month, so I’m not going to be able to be online as much as usual, but that won’t stop me from updating from my friends’ computers! So don’t worry, we’re back to Tuesday/Friday every week. Today’s strip was mostly inspired by Bill Amend’s FoxTrot comic, which often had single-panel strips with numerous characters each having their own smaller gag.

And now for the announcement! I’ve been wanting to make a Brawl in the Family book for awhile, but until now, it’s been a pretty daunting task. Not just for the work involved, but the large amount of money required to make it worth doing. But after more delays than I’d like thanks to all the stuff going on in the past months, I’m finally ready to launch my Kickstarter page for it! Yes, count me in among the other starry-eyed entrepreneurs on said site, because the better it does, the more stuffed the book will be! I’m aiming to cram it full of bonus goodies and all sorts of nifty features (like what they do with special-edition DVDs) so…well, I made this video that you can watch that has music and drawings and my freckled mug, so go check it out!

-By Matthew