Indeed, Little King’s Story is my favorite Wii game of last year, and I suggest anyone who remotely likes games like Pikmin and Harvest Moon to try it out!

I rarely have Dedede doing actual “kingly” things (due to rumors that he’s really just full of hot air and his royalty is more self-proclaimed than anything), so this insight to his psyche was a lot of fun to portray both in writing and in the art. I can’t help but feel a little sorry for him here, but believe it or not, this is pretty much how Little King’s Story works anyway. You’ll get a letter of appeal or an invitation from one king, and proceed to bust in there, kick their butts, and walk off with their treasures and women (you polygamous li’l tyke, you). Today’s comic is about taking a look at how disturbingly invasive the whole process is when observed from another angle, and a peek at Dedede’s rare softer side. But geez, back to color already?? I guess that’s how the numbers add up!

In other news, I’m very excited about the results of the Haiti fund so far! After only a few days, we’re already 47% of the way there! There’s still a good amount left to go, so if you’ve been wanting to donate, don’t shy away from it! My sincerest thanks to everyone who has given to Haiti charities–BitF or otherwise–and the feedback has warmed my cold, unforgiving heart. One contributor even made this terrific image! Thanks again!

Oh, and if you haven’t yet, feel free to check out my guest comic strip on 2P START!

-By Matthew