A twist ending! And a happy ending! Yes, as it turns out, a couple of misfits end up finding each other again and having a pretty decent day after all. The ending changed quite drastically from the original draft, where after Luigi kicks out Eario, the Mario Bros. suddenly find themselves saddled with another weird lookalike: Vuigi (you see, because the L is crooked and…anyway, moving on).

I felt it was only fair…



I sort of went back and forth on giving Eario a character page, but I remembered that the world of BitF is it’s own entity, and the stout janitor is a part of BitF (albeit the part that cleans up after others), so hey, why the heck not? That said, I don’t have any current plans to have him drop in very often, but you may see him pop up in the background from time to time.

I also realize that I should start uploading some other character profiles a little quicker! A couple are overdue.

EDIT: Sorry for the delay – video’s up!

-By Matthew


Friday, September 23 – 11:30 AM

Work continues on the voiced video.  Matthew did a really cool job with the audio – I imagine you will be pleased.  It should be up tonight sometime.

Also, don’t forget we’re still offering 50% off the shipping cost of store items with the code “ship50”. 🙂

– Chris