Longtime readers of BitF are probably aware that I enjoy fake-outs and visual gags involving things that look like other things. Tweaking visual traits of the characters we take for granted was something I’ve wanted to do for awhile, and Halloween provided a good opportunity to stuff them all into one strip. The sketchy, shaded look is reminiscent of how I draw using my favorite medium: the pencil.

Today’s comic isn’t the only spooky thing I’ve been creating this week:


I’ve never been great at this, so perhaps I shouldn’t quit my day job. But Happy Halloween, you crazy readers. Don’t approach any Digletts.

-By Matthew


Calling all Mario Kart Wii racers!  Each Friday, Matthew and I play Mario Kart Wii online with BitF fans: we’d like to get more people playing with us, so if you’d like to play with us tonight (or on future Fridays), head on over to the Mario Kart Wiikends thread on our forums, add either Matthew or myself, and post your friend code!  We’ll be starting in about half an hour (around 8:30 Central), so get goin’!

– Chris