Every comedy writer, cartoonist, ventriloquist, stand-up comic, clown, joke-teller, roaster, humorist and priest gets to make at least one shoulder angel gag at some point. Shoulder angel gags are a staple of humor, and BitF naturally has to do its part to keep them alive!

I feel that this is the first time I’ve really BitF-ized Ganondorf. He’s shown up in the past, of course, but I feel that he’s got more of a distinct personality in this strip than before. Also, it looks like the new shading (for the most part) is here to stay.

On a bit more of a negative note, we’re still waiting for this Paypal mess to be sorted out regarding the Haiti Fund. Hopefully we can resolve it soon (details are in the Donate link if you need them), so stand by.

-By Matthew