We’re back!  First, the usual comment on the daily comic: the Noddy gets a little revenge for the good of the minions of Dreamland.  It’s about time Kirby learned he can’t just go around eating every little thing, and the symbolism of him being asleep for a long time (with the comic out of commission for a month) sealed the deal.

Onto business.  BitF has resumed, and we’ll have new comics for you every Tuesday and Friday, as usual.  The redesign will be up very soon, before the next update, so keep checking!  It won’t be the final version (we’ll be tweaking things over the next several weeks), but the main part of it will be up and ready for wandering eyes.

The secret project?  Currently being worked on.  Here’s a teaser:

And finally, myself.  Sorry for the month break, but it was something I needed to help get a number of things back on track.  The comic’s ready for action once again, so tell your friends!  We’ll see you Tuesday!

(oh, but don’t forget to check for the redesign)