Wart needs to make some sort of return to the Mario series.  At least we got to hear his lovely voice in Link’s Awakening.

Glad people enjoyed last week’s April Fools’ gag!  For those wondering, the comics will stay where they are, all under the page for comic 151.  And Waluigi will probably show up again in the strip at some point (although probably not with a separate comic of his own).

The “redesign” was NOT a hoax–we’re handling a real one and it’ll be up and looking great soon!  So keep checking back!  Believe it or not, it’ll look even better than the purple-ized Waluigi makeover.

Finally, I will be leaving to JAPAN later this week!  Since I’ve missed a couple updates recently, I’m considering still making enough comics to cover the update days and having Chris upload them…but that’s still up in the air, depending on how much time I have.

Keep checking back for updates!