Time for something different for today! With this comic, I wanted to explore what happens when you leave behind your towns in older Animal Crossing games. They pretty much turn into a mess–people move out, weeds grow, roaches are everywhere, and you don’t give a second thought to it! So, I had fun going for something more atmospheric this time around, although due to me not wanting it to be even longer, I had to cut some of Twiggy’s monologue (like his line, “Remember when you got my opulent rug back from Pudge?”). It’s about nostalgia, reliving the past, and all that good stuff. Also, I wanted to change a few lines during the eleventh hour but this STUPID program completely messed up on me and now I can’t save anything.

Sooner or later, I had to call it finished. And while I’m frustrated by all the compromises I had to make on the way there such as text restrictions (I’m thinking next time I do something with a lot of dialogue, I’m going for text so I can fit what I want in there) and size restrictions that block out a lot of the detail, I still enjoyed making this and I hope–if nothing else–it shows that BitF can be more than a doodle-style Kirby turnin’ into something.

The final frame here isn’t really as jokey as usual…I was going more for atmosphere and reflection (like in the Mother 3 strip or comic 060).

And I hope that all you villagers out there don’t forget your roots while you spend your time in the big city! Oh, and sorry for the lateness of this comic.