FIRST APPEARANCE: 81 – Weakness While Mega Man has been a part of the comic in the past (as early as BitF’s first year, in fact) his introduction into Smash Bros and comic 500 have officially welcomed him with open[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…

While Mega Man has been a part of the comic in the past (as early as BitF’s first year, in fact) his introduction into Smash Bros and comic 500 have officially welcomed him with open arms! The Little Robot That Could rises from a tumultuous past to fight for everlasting peace once again, and he’s ready to party like it’s 199X. And truly, it’s a bit cathartic to finally see the Blue Bomber as an “adopted” member of Nintendo’s family, as he’s always been my favorite non-Nintendo video game character. Welcome, Mega Man!